As a man, he will always realize that sexual prowess is significant to him.
If the penis is not up to the mark, a hard erection cannot be
achieved on demand. A person will always feel very lost and vulnerable.
His self-esteem can be hurt. Sex problems in men can make them feel very
Erection problems are very common problems among adult men. These are very common in adult men as compared to young men.
A man is unable to get a hard erection for his sexual intercourse. This condition affects more than 25% of the male population.
These erection problems are not permanent. In this case, a man has to go away with very little treatment or no treatment at all.
However, these problems can be very permanent at times and this is considered to be very serious. A man’s self-esteem can be damaged and his relationship with his partner can be affected.

Given below are various erection problems:
Many times, a man cannot achieve the erection that he wants. The little willy will not wake up at all even though it will get enough whacking.
Many times, a man cannot hold the erection for more than a few minutes at a time. This experience proves to be very frustrating. When a man is ready to penetrate her, the penis goes limp. This is surely a letdown.
The erect penis will sometimes feel very soft like a ripe banana. It will not be like a crunch and a firm cucumber. A good situation is not enough to penetrate the partner.
If all the above symptoms are being experienced, it surely falls under the category of erection problems in men.
The following are some of the causes of erectile dysfunction or erection problems:
Men are most commonly affected by this problem in their later years. This problem is mainly experienced by older men and middle-aged men. They experience some kind of male impotence because of a decrease in male hormones(Testosterone).
This problem can be very psychological due to anxiety and stress. The way in which the penis reacts can be affected by pressure.
Male impotence can be physical as well. Thus, some part of the blood supply to the penile tissues is cut down due to malfunctioning.
Other health-related problems like diabetes and heart problem are also causes of erection problems.
What to do for erection problems
1 Exercise regularly
A morning walk in a garden or natural atmosphere with ample trees is one of the best exercises which provides more oxygen to your body thus body obtain energy for all our living process.
A few minutes of yoga will also add energy and remove stress, anxiety helps to remain calm in any condition.
2 Lose extra weight
By doing exercise you may lose extra weight along with that do the following
a) Drink more water especially before meals not after or in between meals. You can drink after one hour of the meals.
b) Drink green tea which contains healthy bioactive compounds to increase fat burning along with other benefits for brain function preventing brain aging, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular damage, and cancer due to anti-oxidant properties.
c) Try to keep fasting one day a week or fortnight for giving rest to your digestive system which is the largest system of the human body and as per Ayurveda it is the root cause of all ailments.
d) Cut added sugar or food which increases the sugar levels in the body.
3 Stop Smoking or chewing tobacco
This will increase your willpower as well as prevent the possibility of cancer.
4 Avoid drinks and Drugs
5 Consider taking medicine
Certain medicine boosts blood flow in vessels of the penis and thus boost erection taken an hour before sexual activities. They are Sildenafil(Viagra), Vardenafil(Levitra), Tadalafil(Cialis)
The above medicines are for a temporary phase.
You can consider taking VigRxPlus which contains three exciting ingredients Damiana, Tribulus, and Bioperine to enhance male sexual functioning. It's endorsed by Doctors and patients claim that it had #no1 results.
These erection problems and sex problems in men should be discussed with the doctor for getting an effective hormonal treatment.
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